Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A lil' confusing

CALLER        :  Hello, may I speak to Annie Wan?
OPERATOR  :  What do you mean anyone? You are now talking 
                            to someone.
CALLER        :  No, I am Sam Wan & I need to talk to annie wan. 
                           It's urgent.
OPERATOR  :  Ok, I know you are someone & you want to talk to 
                            anyone. But what is urgent matter about?
CALLER        :  Please,  just tell Anni Wan that our brother, 
                           Noe Wan was involved in an excident, & he is in 
                           the hospital. Rite now, Avery Wan is rushing there to 
                           see him.
OPERATOR  :  Hey, boy. Trying to be funny, is it? Look, I have no 
                           time to hear your story.
CALLER         :  You are so rude! What is your name?
OPERATOR   :  I am Saw Ree.
CALLER         :  Yes, you should be sorry. Now tell me your name!   

Hahaha. Got it?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I want that

Yeahh, i want this. Tapiii, mahal kott. *Barang best semua mahal. Ape daaahhhh.* Bila aku boleh dpat hp ni?! "Get a job, only then u can get this phone." No wayyyy. Lame tuu. "Dah tu, simpan la duit." HAIHH. Ye lah, ye lah. *dimane ade kemahuan, disitu ade jalan kan. hm, ade shortcut tk? duhh -.-"

14 February. People tends to get married on Valentines Day kan. *no comment :)

Happy Chinese New Year :)


Friday, February 12, 2010


2:05 AM. Can't sleep. It's dificult to describe what i feel rite now. Have been feeling miserable lately. I miss my good friendss. "Missing you, you, you, you and you." *terribly. Hope to see you all A.S.A.P.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Say it, hate it

5 Feb 2010 ; date.
Kelas 4 Jujur ; place.

Pendidikan Islam. Title; Ciri-ciri Mukmin Berjaya. With full of concentration. Ustazah allowed us to express our dissapointment/unsatisfied feel by saying this word; babi. 4 Jujur reaction; "hah?! biar betul?! bestnye! :D", "yeahh! aku dah tak sabar nak sebut babi nih ;p".

Ustazah ; Ok, are you ready?
4 Jujur   ; Readyyyyyyyyy :D !!!
Ustazah ; Tarik nafas.
4 Jujur   ; Ustazah, boleh jerit sekuat hati?
Ustazah ; Boleh, tapi sekali je. Jerit la sekuat mane pun.
4 Jujur   ; Ok :D ! (say it out loud!)
Ustazah ; One, two, three.
4 Jujur   ; Baaaaaabiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!

All of us were laughed after said that word. Hahahaha. Lega hati kott. Feels like relieved and fresh than before. Lpas ni tk boleh sbut lagyyy. Tkpe, drpd tk dpat sbut lgsung. Kempunan pulak nnti. Cehh! Hahaha.


Still remember the scene when Bella finds out that Edward is a vampire in Twilight? 

I like Edward Cullen. Not Robert Pattinson a.k.a Parkinson. Cuz the real him looks ......... I'm not saying that he's not handsome. The main reason I don't like Pattinson Parkinson is; When reporter asked him, "What do you wanna be? (something like that)". Robert Pattinson Parkinson answered, "I wanna be like President Bush." Ouhh, mann. Sucks.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

It won't be

Hello 2010. Ok, 2010 wont be the best year like the previous year (2009). Well, 2009 brought so many memories to me. Bitter + sweet memories. The sweet memories are the times i had spent wit 3Amanah buddies. I still remember the gotong-royong day in 2009. It's still fresh in my mind. Taking pics behind the school, (make a poyo pose, haha) melepak dkat corridor, eating & laughing together. Demm, kenangan tinggal kenangan. Now, we're a bit separated kot. 3 friends of mine dah blah from SMKPA. Dear me ;(  Sedih. But, we're still together (as friends) no matter what happen, oke. Ssah la nk jmpe korg lpas ni. Sobs.