Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I was dead tired when i reached home. Comm'on laaa, please gimme a break only just for a week. Ok, i have to stayback at school for koko and stuff. And and yesterday, Volley Ball player selection. I failed to 'participate' in volley ball game. OMG. Pathetic duhh. I went every single volley ball training but ... (except for friday, ada bowling) It was damn terrible la kan. The teacher doesn't told us about the main thing of volley ball. They didn't even said that 'serve'  is the most important in volley game. So we're just kept practising the 'digging' technique. They asked us to keep practising digging, digging, AND digging the ball.


But it's okay. I couldn't put a blame on the teachers. They're just doing her job, finding the best among the best player. Tak kisah la kann, as long as they're happy on what they're doing. Assalammualaikum. Make peace with chaos. HAHA. Sayonara <3

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