Tuesday, June 05, 2012

STPM has been upgraded #1

Assalamualaikum :]

Howwa you? Are you getting fatter like me? No? Ok foinee, seems like I'm the only one who increase the fatty layer in ma body yaw.
*merapu je mukadimah aku sebegitu ghupa

Lamanya tak mengarang. Berhabuk otak.
Setelah lama aku menunggu keputusan UPU untuk melanjutkan pelajaran, akhirnya aku dikhabarkan berita yg memang sangat lah dukacitanya dari pihak UPU.

"Dukacita. Anda tidak berjaya ke politeknik/universiti"

Arghh lebih kurang camtu lah ayat dia. Aku menyemak tawaran UPU menggunakan teknologi masa kini iaitu khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS). Yeh, cepat dan mudah. Maleh nak bukak computer, pergi google chrome and cari web UPU tuh -.-" Awal-awal lagi dah tunjuk diri tu pemalas. --> Ok back to drama. Sedih tau. Geram. Tak puas hati. Semua perasaan yg negatif ada masa tu. Dunia mula terasa gelap.


Kihkih. Hati pedih ditambah pulak masa tu aku tengah demam. Demam yg amat dasyhat la an (pooodahhh 'amat dasyhat', gebang je tu). Memang tak larat lah. Sekejap panas, sekejap sejuk. Demam aku berlarutan selama 2 minggu. Disebabkan aku selalu tertanya-tanya 

"Kenapa aku susah sangat nak demam? Orang lain tiap-tiap bulan dapat demam"

Kawan aku jawab, 
"Sebab antibodi kau kuat lah deyyyy"

Perasaan cemburu terhadap orang lain yg dapat sakit. Dan yeah, akhirnya persoalan aku di dengari olehNya. Package sekali dengan ketiadaan suaraku yg 'merdu'. Aku jadi bisu sementara akibat sakit tekak dan batuk. Syukur. Sakit itu penghapus dosa-dosa kecil :)
*hehe lari tajuk pulok

Dugaan aku bertimpa-timpa. Demam & tak dapat UPU. Ujian DIA ;')


Sejak dari hari keputusan UPU tu, aku agak gelisah & gundah-gulana. Gelisah fikirkan masa depan. Takkan fikir nak kahwin pulak. Kira macam putus harapan (maybe?). 
Selesai buat rayuan UPU.

Fikir punya fikir. Aku baru teringat. Aku ada dapat tawaran ke tingkatan 6 dalam aliran sains. Alhamdulillah. DIA still bagi aku peluang lagi. Masa awal-awal kawan aku bagitahu yg aku dapat form 6, aku ternganga :O 

"Biarrrr betul?! Taknak la masuk form 6. Ishhh" 

Haha demand tak demand lah kan. FYI, keputusan tawaran ke tingkatan 6 tu lebih awal dari keputusan UPU. Daftar masuk ke tingkatan 6 bermula 8 May 2012. Aku macam tak yakin dengan STPM. Top 5 the most difficult examinations in the world. 
Nak atau taknak, aku tolak ketepi dulu. Ibu & abah pun tak putus-putus bagi dorongan & semangat dekat aku 

"Tak apa lah pakai baju sekolah sekejap. Setahun setengah je pakai. Lepas tu boleh sambung degree" -Ibu & Abah.

 Jadi, sebelum pergi mendaftar ke sekolah baru tu, aku buat research sikit pasal STPM. Sebab STPM tahun ni dah diupgradekan dari tahun-tahun lepas. 
Yeahhh. Memang sangat lah gembira hati adinda bila baca pasal format baru STPM 2012 ni. Banyak faedah. Banyak kelebihan. Mudah. Murah. Macam-macam adaaa.

Apa yg faedahnya?
Proses pembelajaran dah ditukar mengikut matrikulasi dan setaraf diploma. Peperiksaan dijalankan mengikut semester sama seperti di universiti. Juga turut menggunakan pointer. Tidak ada lagi belajar semua sekali gus dan periksa pada akhir tahun seperti SPM. 

Gred KertasGred Mata PelajaranNGMPStatus
AA4.00Lulus Penuh
A-A-3.67Lulus Penuh
B+B+3.33Lulus Penuh
BB3.00Lulus Penuh
B-B-2.67Lulus Penuh
C+C+2.33Lulus Penuh
CC2.00Lulus Penuh
C-C-1.67Lulus Sebahagian
D+D+1.33Lulus Sebahagian
DD1.00Lulus Sebahagian

Apa kelebihannya dan taraf STPM?
- Setiap subjek lulus prinsipal akan dapat taraf Advanced Level (A-level) Cambridge, UK. Taraf A-level sangat tinggi. Diploma pun belum bertaraf A-level.
- Taraf soalannya sama kualiti dengan soalan peperiksaan luar negara Cambridge GCE A-level, yg diambil oleh kebanyakan orang putih luar negara untuk masuk ke universiti.
- Sijil STPM lebih bernilai dari sijil matrikulasi.

Apa yg mudah?
Mudah kerana pakaian harian mereka adalah uniform sekolah. Jimat kos bukan? Tidak perlu susahkan otak memikirkan nak pakai baju apa, itu dan ini. Bagi lelaki, uniformnya adalah baju putih, seluar putih serta kasut hitam. Bagi perempuan pula, uniformnya adalah tudung putih, baju putih, kain biru muda serta kasut hitam.

Apa yg murah?
Tidak memerlukan belanja yg besar. Hanya perlu membayar yuran sekolah sahaja. Bersesuaian dengan orang-orang yg kurang mampu juga. Jimat kos. Duit yg selebihnya boleh lah digunakan untuk keperluan lain.

Ok, cukup la sampai sini dulu aku ceghite. Sambung episod kedua nanti. Hakhak. 

" Persepsi masyarakat yg tipikal: menganggap perkataan 'universiti' lebih tinggi daripada title 'pelajar Pra Universiti tingkatan 6'. "

Sincerely by lower six student, 

P/s: Sori la lambat meng-update belog guwa ni. Malas nak type sebenarnya.

Monday, April 16, 2012

This pain will fade away

Assalamualaikum :]

Being so lazy to update lately. Ahaks :p
So here's the thing that I want to share.

"Fake smile on my face
Feeling so out of place
My lips tell a lie
Inside I just want to cry
I must get through the day
But oh, I hate feeling this way...

A locked door,
a rusty razor, a towel stained with red.
A folded note, a broken mirror,
and young girl lays there dead.
Their emotions tangle,
the room begins to swirl.
She was Mommy's perfect angel
and Daddy's little girl.

She finally let go of her fake smile
And the tears slowly roll down
Face as she whispers in the mirror.

It's just one of those days
Where I just want to disappear,
To get away from everything,
Because I hate my life here.

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm okay..
What the heck do they want me to say?
No.. I'm not okay. and then what? 
So I just smile and say I'm fine
Even though I'm really dying inside

I'm the girl. The one thats always lost. The one with the fake smile. The girl who seems to be SO strong but daily continues to BREAK. That girl who's always there and seems to have NO problems of her own. The one who holds back tears...until she's off the phone. That girl is in love.. with a boy that isn't the one she wants.

Force a smile, blink away the tears
I'm supposed to be strong
Supposed to have no fears
But im finding it hard not to frown
I'm such a strong person
Why am I breaking down

I know it seems like I'm this strong person who can get through anything,
but inside I'm fragile. I've had so many things thrown at me,
and each one has only made a crack.
What I'm afraid of is shattering

My dreams tell me secrets
My mind tells me lies
My heart screams for help
My eyes only cry

Sometimes i just feel like
Running away...
just to see who would follow
just to see who really cares
or if anyone cares at all..

I'm going to smile
And make u think im happy
I'm going to laugh..
So u don't see me cry..
And even if it kills me..
I'm going to smile.

Words never hurt me
Change never kills me
Love never breaks me
Fear never shakes me
My hopes never fade away
I never need to break away
My tears are never here to stay
I'm always happy
I never lie
Yeah.. [ once upon a time ]

This isn't
A perfect world

You smile
When all you wanna do is cry
You act like you’re okay
When you are really falling apart..
But you move on

Because there is nothing else to do ..
Even though its slowly
Killing you

The girl who seemed unbreakable is finally starting to break
The one who seemed so strong its crumbling apart
The one who always laughs it off is constantly crying
The girl who would never give up, finally quit trying

If I could just wash away the pain, all the memories and the shame I would scrub until there was no more stain, and watch the dirty water go down the drain.

So I say thank you for the scars
And the guilt and the pain
Every tear I've never cried
Has sealed your fate
I will not be broken
I am the one
One can only feel desolate for so long
Until one starts to change
Into something the mirror doesn't recognize
I metamorphasize

Just live and breathe
And try not to 'die' again.

When the shadows beam
Misery remains
I won't leave this time.

Strip away vanity
Just as you comsume me
Broken smile, starless sky
Save it all, say goodbye

You're out in left field
And lacking interest
You fight the boredom
But it makes no difference
Your mental health, kid
That's what's in question
Keep acting obscure
We'll keep them guessing

You wake to suffer through the day
Trade a dream for the pay
Well here's the fact, I hope it sticks
You're just alive out of habit
The thing is
I'm not worth the sorrow
And if you come and
Meet me tomorrow
I will hold you down
Fold you in
Deep, deep, deep
In the fiction we live."

P/s: One day, this pain will make sense to you.
Source: Google

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Accept the reality

Assalamualaikum :]

Hati mula rasa bercelaru. Antara tenteram dengan tak tenteram. Antara tenang dengan tidak tenang. Otak mula terfikir ... hm apa aku akan jadi nanti? Tercapai ke cita-cita aku? Kot kot jadi engineer tapi cita-cita sebenar nak jadi doktor. Haha. 

Seorang bekas pelajar sekolah menengah yg baru melangkah setapak ke dunia luar. Dunia realiti. Tinggalkan dunia persekolahan yg penuh dengan keseronokan dan tension yg 'sedikit'. Sekali-sekala, for sure ada rasa rindu nak toleh ke belakang dek terkenangkan kenangan zaman sekolah. Baru berapa bulan je aku tinggalkan sekolah, dah rindu nak pakai baju kurung putih dengan kain kaler biru muda, && tudung sekolah yg paling best pakai sebab senang nak bentukkan tudung tu, nampak lawaaa je. Hahaha. Tapi aku pakai still nampak messy -__- Ops terover pulak cite pasal tudung <-- padahal boleh je erase ayat tadi. 

So yeah, aku ingat nak listkan perkara apa yg akan buat aku rindu pasal sekolah. Tapi tak payah lah buang masa kan. Nanti bikin sedih je baca. 

*Imma one of penganggur terhormat tarak kerjaaa* 

21 Mac 2012. Slip SPM dah pun ada di tangan saya :)

9 subjects only.
Didn't take English for Science and Technology (EST) subject.
Sebab takde cikgu sekolah nak ajar EST *sigh*

Students in badge '94 (SPM leavers 2011) jadi famous kejap dalam beberapa hari disebabkan soalan-soalan begini:

 "Weh kau dapat berapa A?"

"Cemane result? Ok tak?"

The moment when all people around us including our friendlist in FB were being so excited to ask how many A's that we've got without greeting 'Assalammulaikum' or 'Hai' at the beginning of conversation. Main terjah sahaja korang ni haha. Excited betul nak tahu.

Alhamdulillah, it wasn't so bad. So-so. Got A's tapi tak banyak. But it's not what I have expected. Konon target lebih lah. Tapi kalau ada kawan-kawan aku yg tergolong dalam excellent student yg pass with flying colours tanya, I'll never tell you dear. Trust me. Never. Sharing is not caring anymore when it comes to SPM result. Sorry for not telling korang :/


Last sunday. 25 March 2012. I went to UiTM, Shah Alam for an expo 'selangkah ke UiTM'. Reached there at about 10:30 o'clock in the morning. Taklimat for the faculty that I interested dah pun habis. *sobbing* So  me and Tya just walking around UiTM area mencari Dewan Tuanku Agong Counselor. Finally jumpa. We're exhausted like makcik tua -_-" (dah lama tak exercise naik tangga sekolah kot) naik tangga  & jalan kaki semua. Bukan nama 'selangkah' ke UiTM dah ni. Beribu langkah dah terjejak dan terkesan dekat jalan tar UiTM tu.

Dewan Agong Tuanku Counselor UiTM, Shah Alam

Masuk dewan. Huahhhh so sejuk hahaha. Orang dah penat jalan bila dapat aircond, memang cenggitu kan? Tu baru pintu pertama. Selepas daftar ada entry kedua. Aku dah macam menganga mulut sebesar mungkin :OOOOO  Too many people so verrryyyyy crowded. Padat, sempit, penuh macam tin sardin. That's real brah. 

We took all brochures in every booth dekat situ. And alhamdulillah I had an opportunity to ask questions about the course that I'm not sure. Asking about nutrition course, diploma in microbiology, diploma in medical laboratory. Those are quite interesting but I still want to further my studies in psychology. Anything about biology or psychology. That would be fine for me. *wink wink* After all, it leaves to pihak UPU lah. Let's pray for the best ok, friend? :')

I will struggle.

Wearing that hat is my dream now.
And I'll make sure that I can and will be one of them, inshaAllah.

Wanna jump for joy and throw hats in the air on my graduation day.

Result SPM teruk? Oh! It's not the end of the world. Never regret about the past. Focus on the present time like now. Sm;)e

"My past taught me not to complain and just work hard if I want something. Not blame UNHAPPINESS on other people, not blame my FAILURES on other peoples' fortunes. Work harder than anyone else, not let fear stop me, not settle for less than all I want. 
Yes, I can do it! InshaAllah"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ingat orang tersayang

Assalammualaikum :]

Hai, saya Joyah. Tahun ni umur saya 18 tahun. Bulan 3 ni,  keputusan SPM keluar. Saya nervous. Saya takut kalau saya tak dapat masuk U, nanti apa pulak saya nak jadi lagipun cita-cita saya ni potpetpotpetpotpetpotpet.


Kita asyik fikir pasal diri kita je. Pasal umur kita yg dah  makin meningkat, 'aku makin tuaaa huahh'. Terutamanya remaja atau golongan belia lah term yg lebih afdhal patut aku gunakan yg memang giat merancang. 

Kalau budak sekolah pulak. Bila tahun baru masuk, fikiran dorang mungkin:

"Yeah aku dah form 5! Cepat lah habis sekolah ni, aku dah bosan siapkan kerja sekolah yg berlambak. Masuk U an senang."

"Wah tak sangka aku dah form 5. Aku takut ah nak spm ni. Cepat-cepat la habis. Lepas spm ni aku ingat aku nak kerja, tolong mak ayah. Pastu .. enjoy sikit-sikit"

*A'ah, memang aku fokuskan untuk budak form 5 je muehehe.

Sedang kita leka dengan hal peribadi kita yg semakin meningkat dewasa, yg sibuk merancang masa depan itu dan ini, jangan kita lupa yg sebenarnya parents kita pun makin DEWASA dan MAKIN TUA. Memang perlu kita fikirkan pasal hal kita tapi jangan sampai kita lupa dan lalai untuk ambil tahu pasal parents. Sihat ke dia, sakit ke dia. Kita ambil tahu. And dah semestinya apa yg dituliskan ni is note to myself too. Kita tak tau siapa pergi tinggalkan kita dulu. Mungkin kita yg pergi dulu ke? Maut tak kenal umur kan. Kita kena prepare and get ready untuk semua tu sebelum menyesal.

Memang tak lah aku nak huraikan yg selebihnya sebab aku pun dalam proses meningkat dewasa yg baru nak mengenal dunia && mula kumpul pengalaman dan pengajaran. Umur setahun jagung macam aku tak cukup atau memang belum layak pun untuk cerita pasal kehidupan yg sememangnya penuh dengan dugaan & ada juga kegembiraan sebabnya pengalaman belum banyak. Apa-apa pun, kita semua dalam proses pembelajaran dan mengenal hidup ni. 

"Umur bukan tandanya kita matang, tapi pengalaman yg membuatkan kita matang dan kuat untuk tempuh kehidupan."

Cuba recall balik, kita pernah jadi macam ni tak.

- Bila birthday kawan-kawan, or birthday bf/gf kita ingat tiap-tiap hari. Kadang-kadang siap plan nak buat surprise party bagai. Siap tulis dekat calendar untuk peringatan takut tak ingat. Tak cukup reminder dekat calendar, dekat phone. Ye lah, kalau tak ingat birthday dorang, nanti merajuk. Mula fikir kita ni lupa kawan apa semua. Pastu berebut nak wish birthday awal dulu - tepat pukul 12:00AM. Memang suka habis lah dapat jadi 1st wisher kononnya. Aku pun macam ni jugak. Tapi apalah sangat birthday kawan kalau nak dibandingkan dengan birthday mak ayah kita sendiri yg lebih berkait rapat dengan kita. In fact, berkongsi darah yg sama. YES, DARAH DAGING SENDIRI. Kita lupa. Birthday parents kita pun, kita tak se-excited macam tu. Kita lupa, birthday parents kita pun kita tak bagi hadiah. Sedar tak? Kadang-kadang hati & perasaan parents kita, kita tak jaga. Entah makan hati ke mak ayah kita bila kita lupa nak wish mereka. Atau pun, kita tahu hari tu birthday parents, tapi kita malu nak wish. Bukan tak boleh untuk kita sambut birthday kawan-kawan kita. Siapa cakap tak boleh, mai sini ceq nak katok kepala hang. Tapi biar berpada-pada dan tak melebihi dari orang yg lebih penting dalam hidup kita. Kawan pun penting, tapi perasaan & hati ibu bapa lagi penting dan patut dijaga. Kalau masa kecik kita selalu dapat hadiah dari mak/ayah, sekarang ni kita pulak lah bagi. Pahala lagi besar kalau kita gembirakan hati mak ayah an :)

Benda ni nampak macam tak penting. Tapi bagi aku, time birthday ni lah kita boleh gather ramai-ramai dengan family untuk buat satu majlis keluarga. Lagi-lagi kalau kita ni bukan jenis lekat dekat rumah. Atau pun, duduk jauh dengan parents. Ha bila lagi dapat gather macam ni. 
Tu antara salah satu situasi yg kita lupa nak ambil perhatian. Kalau nak diikutkan sebenarnya banyak lagi. Tengok je la drama melayu, banyak situasi dorang lakonkan pasal anak lupa mak bapak ni.  

Self reminder: 
Kalau parents suruh kita buat itu buat ini, kita buat je. Taat pada mereka. 
Kalau parents kata jangan buat itu & ini, kita ikut, jangan bantah selagi tak langgar hukum syarak. Mesti ada hikmah dan sebab tersendiri kenapa mereka tak bagi. 
Kalau parents bagi itu & ini yg kita tak suka, terima je. Mungkin nanti masa akan datang, sesuatu 'itu' & 'ini' tu berguna untuk kita. InshaAllah. 

Sebab pada akhirnya, kita akan terfikir untuk seketika, 
"Kenapalah aku tak ikut cakap mak ayah aku dari dulu, kalau ikut mesti takkan jadi camni. Menyesalnya aku". Menyesal tak sudah lah bila nasi dah jadi bubur. 

So lebih baik jadi macam ni, 
"Alhamdulillah, nasib baik aku ikut apa yg mak ayah aku cakap. Berkat aku patuh cakap dorang, aku dapat capai cita-cita aku. Terima kasih ibu & ayah". Waktu tu baru kita rasa bersyukur dan nikmatnya. Pilihan di tangan kita. Pilih yg baik atau buruk? Biar susah dahulu, jangan susah kemudian.

Ingat orang yg tersayang. Anda mampu mengubahnya 

Ok fine fine. Aku cakap dah macam gaya penulis buku sastera ke macam motivator? Ada bakat tak? Agak-agak boleh lah aku masuk pertandingan menulis cerpen or jadi counselor ke kan. Hehe. Kalau ada yg silap & salah dalam 'perbicaraan' aku ni, harap kasi tunjur ajar?
Sayang ibu abah saya.
  • Cuba ingat parents awak lahir tahun berapa. Asyik sibuk ingat tahun lahir boipren/girlpren je takde faedah sangat. Self reminder.
  • Nanti bila kita dah duduk jauh dengan parents, jangan biarkan parents yg call kita yg menandakan mereka rindu kita. Tak baik. Sebaiknya kita kena call parents & tanya khabar walau sibuk cemane pun. Self reminder.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

20 facts about girls

Assalamualaikum :]

Here some facts about girls/women. Big attention to men, guys, boys. You should know this and that if you want to win girl's heart. Hang sibuk mengeluh "perempuan ni complicated pasai pa" tapi nak jugak berchinta chintun. Kalau dah tau perempuan tu susah nak paham, jangan menggedik nak menggatal sana sini. Baik hang dok diam kat rumah AND tak payah add perempuan hotsetap kat pesbuk (facebook). Kan senang?

1. Girls hate liars. Eg: While you're texting her, you said you're just staying at home but when she calls and asks your mother, you're at kedai mamak lepaking with your gang. It's cool isn't it? She has your mom's phone number and you forgot about it. Women just couldn't accept the lies. Once you lie, forever he will hesitate to believe you again.

2. Good at taking pictures. Girls take so much pictures that they know every single good angle that will hide practically any flaw/imperfection. Which is why YOU see many 'hotties' on Facebook. You may be deceived by physical appearance. That's pathetic. See and 'check' her heart first.

3. Impatient. Women are impatient when you keep doing the same mistakes. Well .. who can stand it?

4. Act like a lawyer. They're just want to fight for a justice hehe. 

5. Immature. Sometimes girls act like a kid and she's kind of an attention seeker, but just with her beloved ones. For an example; being childish with her mom when asking for a thing that she really wants, but not all girls are like that. Fitrah perempuan.
6. Waiting for your text even if she's get angry and had a fight with you. She's still checking her phone just in case if you texted her.

7.  She would talk/text to you late at night if she likes/loves you. If a girl loves you, she would answer your call even if she's sleeping at that time because she does not want you to get angry, maybe. This means she cares for you a lot. Except for a special case; if she's really mad at you, probably she won't pick up a call.

 8. She would answer it wrongly. Sometimes it's "yes" when a girls says "no", and vice versa. Ask her if you want to know more. Another example: when she says "i'm fine". The truth is not sometimes.

9. Cry. Girls only cry for someone he loves. And because of some other things. If she let her tears run down to her cheek just for you, or in front of you, or in a phone call, it's a good sign that you mean a lot to her. So don't break her heart! Cry: it doesn't mean at all that she is weak. Fitrah perempuan.

10. Girls like guys with a plan. Girls don't want to get attached to a guy who has no basic plan in life. Even if it's "I failed in exams but I want to further my studies in college, working hard and saving my money"-guy.  That shows a huge deal of humility and responsibility.

11. Hate to be ignored. Eg: girls don't like to be ignored in text for a long period of time unless you give a good reason, but don't lie. 

12. Girl likes a 'sweet' guy. Girls would feel herself special and think you're sweet IF you sincere and really take care of her when she's sick. *zoom in if you can't read the words on that picture. Credit to Encik Mimpi

13. Does better reseacrh. Yes, 100% true. Women would do anything just to know what is his beloved ones doing. They have the ability to find things out. Sometimes they're like NINJA!! Never lie to girls even if it would hurt her heart. Girls can accept the fact because they were born to be strong.

14. Always want to win. She would sulk sometimes. *mengade-ngade

15. Angry. A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things, but will stick around.

16. Important fact that you may not know is: Girls think it is very sweet when seeing a man who's willing to let himself cry. It is exteremely sexy and manly. Especially if it involves someone he loves. So guys, do not ever shy or afraid to cry in front of someone you love.

17. If girl's family know about you, If a girl shows you to her family OR her mom/family know about you, that means she really loves you. But if you DON'T LIKE HER, just tell her the truth before it's getting worse. Tak percaya? Pergi tanya kawan perempuan anda.

18. She's ready to be with you when she loves you, care for you, accept you for who you are and your silly behaviour even if you're not charming or handsome, or even you're not in her list of her dream guy. It means she's ready and want to grow old with you.

Dare enough to say "I want to spend my life with you"?

19. (SO TRUE.) Inspite all that, they are forgiving, loving, caring and faithful. Once they choose you, It would always be you.

20. Where's the 20th fact? Haha. Sorry. You know. And you will know. Different girls, different facts. Some might say those facts are fiction. Do research. 

credit to Encik Mimpi 

"Jangan buat wanita itu jatuh cinta kalau anda tak cintakan dia" -Ustaz Azhar Idrus.

  • Girls will melt if you sing a love song for them hahaha.
  • Women speaks in a different language. So it helps to research, research and RESEARCH. It's important to educate yourself.
  • Fikir berjuta-juta kali sebelum anda ingin menyentuh hati perempuan.
  • Idea datang dari diri sendiri, ada dua/tiga info je dari google.