Goodbye 2011 ♥
I had quite many memories throughout the year 2011, I guess (?). Being a form five student was really toughen up myself. Thanks 7teen, you teached me a lotssss - how to be more responsible, caring, and being kind to everyone even though some of them have made a wrong doing to me. I don't give a damn.
Sepanjang tahun 2011 ni, ada beberapa kenangan yg aku takkan dapat lupakan. Ada yg buat aku
" Oh yes, the past can be
Take it or leave it. <-- Bila kita ada masalah/dugaan, kita ada dua pilihan je; ambek masalah tu sebagai experience and lessons or run away from that problem. But if we keep run away from that problem, it won't solve lah. So we just have to face it berbekalkan doa dan tawakkal.
So as day goes by, pengalaman membuatkan diri kita matang. Bukan pada umur, umur tu sekadar nombor semata-mata. Aku dah 18 tahun dah 2012 ni. "Dah besar dah anak abah ni" -Abah. Hehe ye la abah, kakak pun tak sedar >.< Baru nak mengenal dunia. Makin besar cabaran. Tak macam time sekolah 'dulu', dunia kita kat sekolah je huii memang seronok. So bila dah 18 tahun ni, perangai tu kena makin bertambah senonoh lah orang tua kata. <-- baik budak ni, mendengar kata hahahaha :O ||> weh lupaaa, belum cabut lagi kalendar 2011 hahaha <|| Sayang nak tinggalkan tahun 2011.
"Some people are just acquaintances in your life so you really don’t need to feel bad about them walking out of your life. Without them, i’m sure your life will be better and whatever you’re regretting, it’s too late now so you must accept it. Someday they’ll regret hurting you so much and leaving you behind."
Berdasarkan ayat di atas menerangkan bahawa..

So biarkan pengalaman & kenangan tahun lepas (2011) jadi satu memori & dah pun jadi sejarah dalam hidup. Tutup buku 2011.
Another chance for us to make it right.
Dear 2011, thank you for reminding me how beautiful my family is, how great my friends are, how love is the best feeling in the world, how challenging a life can be and how important is to live every second like it's the last one.
Dear 2012, I know you are going to be WAY better than 2011. Please prove me right. I will start making a change today. Firstly to myself, and then to the people around me. InshaAllah.
"Pesan pada diri: tabahkan hati kuatkan semangat. Pesan pada hati: kukuhkan iman, banyakkan zikrullah. Pesan pada naluri: jangan mengeluh, jangan kecewa"
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suke post nie..:)
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