Hati mula rasa bercelaru. Antara tenteram dengan tak tenteram. Antara tenang dengan tidak tenang. Otak mula terfikir ... hm apa aku akan jadi nanti? Tercapai ke cita-cita aku? Kot kot jadi engineer tapi cita-cita sebenar nak jadi doktor. Haha.
Seorang bekas pelajar sekolah menengah yg baru melangkah setapak ke dunia luar. Dunia realiti. Tinggalkan dunia persekolahan yg penuh dengan keseronokan dan tension yg 'sedikit'. Sekali-sekala, for sure ada rasa rindu nak toleh ke belakang dek terkenangkan kenangan zaman sekolah. Baru berapa bulan je aku tinggalkan sekolah, dah rindu nak pakai baju kurung putih dengan kain kaler biru muda, && tudung sekolah yg paling best pakai sebab senang nak bentukkan tudung tu, nampak lawaaa je. Hahaha. Tapi aku pakai still nampak messy -__- Ops terover pulak cite pasal tudung <-- padahal boleh je erase ayat tadi.
So yeah, aku ingat nak listkan perkara apa yg akan buat aku rindu pasal sekolah. Tapi tak payah lah buang masa kan. Nanti bikin sedih je baca.
*Imma one of penganggur terhormat tarak kerjaaa*
21 Mac 2012. Slip SPM dah pun ada di tangan saya :)
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9 subjects only. Didn't take English for Science and Technology (EST) subject. Sebab takde cikgu sekolah nak ajar EST *sigh* |
Students in badge '94 (SPM leavers 2011) jadi famous kejap dalam beberapa hari disebabkan soalan-soalan begini:
"Weh kau dapat berapa A?"
"Cemane result? Ok tak?"
The moment when all people around us including our friendlist in FB were being so excited to ask how many A's that we've got without greeting 'Assalammulaikum' or 'Hai' at the beginning of conversation. Main terjah sahaja korang ni haha. Excited betul nak tahu.
Alhamdulillah, it wasn't so bad. So-so. Got A's tapi tak banyak. But it's not what I have expected. Konon target lebih lah. Tapi kalau ada kawan-kawan aku yg tergolong dalam excellent student yg pass with flying colours tanya, I'll never tell you dear. Trust me. Never. Sharing is not caring anymore when it comes to SPM result. Sorry for not telling korang :/
Dewan Agong Tuanku Counselor UiTM, Shah Alam |
Masuk dewan. Huahhhh so sejuk hahaha. Orang dah penat jalan bila dapat aircond, memang cenggitu kan? Tu baru pintu pertama. Selepas daftar ada entry kedua. Aku dah macam menganga mulut sebesar mungkin :OOOOO Too many people so verrryyyyy crowded. Padat, sempit, penuh macam tin sardin. That's real brah.
We took all brochures in every booth dekat situ. And alhamdulillah I had an opportunity to ask questions about the course that I'm not sure. Asking about nutrition course, diploma in microbiology, diploma in medical laboratory. Those are quite interesting but I still want to further my studies in psychology. Anything about biology or psychology. That would be fine for me. *wink wink* After all, it leaves to pihak UPU lah. Let's pray for the best ok, friend? :')
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I will struggle. |
Wearing that hat is my dream now. |
And I'll make sure that I can and will be one of them, inshaAllah. |
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Wanna jump for joy and throw hats in the air on my graduation day. |
Result SPM teruk? Oh! It's not the end of the world. Never regret about the past. Focus on the present time like now. Sm;)e
"My past taught me not to complain and just work hard if I want something. Not blame UNHAPPINESS on other people, not blame my FAILURES on other peoples' fortunes. Work harder than anyone else, not let fear stop me, not settle for less than all I want.
Yes, I can do it! InshaAllah"
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