Assalamualaikum :]
Here some facts about girls/women. Big attention to men, guys, boys. You should know this and that if you want to win girl's heart. Hang sibuk mengeluh "perempuan ni complicated pasai pa" tapi nak jugak berchinta chintun. Kalau dah tau perempuan tu susah nak paham, jangan menggedik nak menggatal sana sini. Baik hang dok diam kat rumah AND tak payah add perempuan hotsetap kat pesbuk (facebook). Kan senang?
1. Girls hate liars. Eg: While you're texting her, you said you're just staying at home but when she calls and asks your mother, you're at kedai mamak lepaking with your gang. It's cool isn't it? She has your mom's phone number and you forgot about it. Women just couldn't accept the lies. Once you lie, forever he will hesitate to believe you again.
2. Good at taking pictures. Girls take so much pictures that they know every single good angle that will hide practically any flaw/imperfection. Which is why YOU see many 'hotties' on Facebook. You may be deceived by physical appearance. That's pathetic. See and 'check' her heart first.
3. Impatient. Women are impatient when you keep doing the same mistakes. Well .. who can stand it?
4. Act like a lawyer. They're just want to fight for a justice hehe.
5. Immature. Sometimes girls act like a kid and she's kind of an attention seeker, but just with her beloved ones. For an example; being childish with her mom when asking for a thing that she really wants, but not all girls are like that. Fitrah perempuan.

6. Waiting for your text even if she's get angry and had a fight with you. She's still checking her phone just in case if you texted her.
7. She would talk/text to you late at night if she likes/loves you. If a girl loves you, she would answer your call even if she's sleeping at that time because she does not want you to get angry, maybe. This means she cares for you a lot. Except for a special case; if she's really mad at you, probably she won't pick up a call.
9. Cry. Girls only cry for someone he loves. And because of some other things. If she let her tears run down to her cheek just for you, or in front of you, or in a phone call, it's a good sign that you mean a lot to her. So don't break her heart! Cry: it doesn't mean at all that she is weak. Fitrah perempuan.
10. Girls like guys with a plan. Girls don't want to get attached to a guy who has no basic plan in life. Even if it's "I failed in exams but I want to further my studies in college, working hard and saving my money"-guy. That shows a huge deal of humility and responsibility.
11. Hate to be ignored. Eg: girls don't like to be ignored in text for a long period of time unless you give a good reason, but don't lie.
12. Girl likes a 'sweet' guy. Girls would feel herself special and think you're sweet IF you sincere and really take care of her when she's sick. *zoom in if you can't read the words on that picture. Credit to Encik Mimpi
13. Does better reseacrh. Yes, 100% true. Women would do anything just to know what is his beloved ones doing. They have the ability to find things out. Sometimes they're like NINJA!! Never lie to girls even if it would hurt her heart. Girls can accept the fact because they were born to be strong.
14. Always want to win. She would sulk sometimes. *mengade-ngade
15. Angry. A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things, but will stick around.
16. Important fact that you may not know is: Girls think it is very sweet when seeing a man who's willing to let himself cry. It is exteremely sexy and manly. Especially if it involves someone he loves. So guys, do not ever shy or afraid to cry in front of someone you love.
17. If girl's family know about you, If a girl shows you to her family OR her mom/family know about you, that means she really loves you. But if you DON'T LIKE HER, just tell her the truth before it's getting worse. Tak percaya? Pergi tanya kawan perempuan anda.
16. Important fact that you may not know is: Girls think it is very sweet when seeing a man who's willing to let himself cry. It is exteremely sexy and manly. Especially if it involves someone he loves. So guys, do not ever shy or afraid to cry in front of someone you love.
17. If girl's family know about you, If a girl shows you to her family OR her mom/family know about you, that means she really loves you. But if you DON'T LIKE HER, just tell her the truth before it's getting worse. Tak percaya? Pergi tanya kawan perempuan anda.
18. She's ready to be with you when she loves you, care for you, accept you for who you are and your silly behaviour even if you're not charming or handsome, or even you're not in her list of her dream guy. It means she's ready and want to grow old with you.
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Dare enough to say "I want to spend my life with you"? |
19. (SO TRUE.) Inspite all that, they are forgiving, loving, caring and faithful. Once they choose you, It would always be you.
20. Where's the 20th fact? Haha. Sorry. You know. And you will know. Different girls, different facts. Some might say those facts are fiction. Do research.
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credit to Encik Mimpi |
"Jangan buat wanita itu jatuh cinta kalau anda tak cintakan dia" -Ustaz Azhar Idrus.
- Girls will melt if you sing a love song for them hahaha.
- Women speaks in a different language. So it helps to research, research and RESEARCH. It's important to educate yourself.
- Fikir berjuta-juta kali sebelum anda ingin menyentuh hati perempuan.
- Idea datang dari diri sendiri, ada dua/tiga info je dari google.
gile!aku suke!kau karang ke nabila?sgt2 educated ur entry..mine?owh..mcm hape..terrible n n n n n xtw nk ckp mcm mana..mne dpt idea?nyway,kau mmg gile..huhu!
wah. very nice blog. even follower xramai pun, tapi still ade content yg sngt menarik. i likee33!! :)
HAHA terbaikk! :D tapi girls kena baca yg ni pulak. teheee
Girls take so much pictures that they know every single good angle that will hide practically any flaw/imperfection
suka part ni :)
Teehee :P
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