Tuesday, February 09, 2010

It won't be

Hello 2010. Ok, 2010 wont be the best year like the previous year (2009). Well, 2009 brought so many memories to me. Bitter + sweet memories. The sweet memories are the times i had spent wit 3Amanah buddies. I still remember the gotong-royong day in 2009. It's still fresh in my mind. Taking pics behind the school, (make a poyo pose, haha) melepak dkat corridor, eating & laughing together. Demm, kenangan tinggal kenangan. Now, we're a bit separated kot. 3 friends of mine dah blah from SMKPA. Dear me ;(  Sedih. But, we're still together (as friends) no matter what happen, oke. Ssah la nk jmpe korg lpas ni. Sobs.