Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kalau dah suka si dia, jumpa parents

Erm, yeah. Luahan hati ni, hoho memang tak lah. I'm just wondering why there're guys out there who are easily get attract to girlss? Ha! Dengan sesenangnya dorang akan jadi macam gila angau kejap dekat perempuan cantik tu and tetiba lupa sat dekat awek dia. OMG. Padahal aweknya pun dah memang cun tahap gaban dah. Eh tapi tapi, kalau ada yg aweknya tak cun .. cemane? Mesti dia overdose terasa kan. 

Tapi gang, itulah lelaki. Lelaki memang cepat tertarik pada yang cantik. Tapi bukanlah bermakna dia nakkan yg cantik sahaja ok. Asalkan sejuk mata memandang ditambah pulak dengan perangai yg cun, baik2. TAPI!!! Ada jugak yg memang suka tengok perempuan cantik sampai puji melambung dekat perempuan tu sehingga membuatkan si makwe marah dan cemburu. Alahai, kesian ni. Iye. Takkan tak perasan dekat status kawan2 korang ke.

Laki keparat :  Hey you, you cantik la. I suke tengok muka you.
Minah malaun:  Ish takde lah, maneddew. Biase2 je.
Laki keparat :  Iye, cantik kott. Suke tengok :) (senyum gatai agaknya ni)

Setelah beberapa minit 'bergaduh' pasal perempuan ni cantik ke tak..

Minah malaun:  Ala takde lah, hihii. Mekaceh >.<

Tak pasal, si pakwe dengan si perempuan ni sibuk mengiyakan and menafikan benda yang .. entah pape. Ish meluat aku tengok kadang2. <-- Sebenarnya jealous haha. Pastu si makwe nampak pulak status camtu kan. Fuhhh, menyirap darah. Kalau boleh, segala barang yg nak dihempuk kat kepala si pakwe tu, memang nak sangat laaa. 

Hm lelaki. Perlu ke awak cakap camtu kalau awak dah ada makwe? Kalau ye pun awak nak cakap camtu, janganlah cakap secara umumnya yg membuatkan si makwe terguris hati. Ni bukan terguris hati lagi dah kalau setiap perempuan yg awak add, awak puji camtu. Tapi lebih parah sehingga patah hati. Cube fikir kalau si makwe puji laki lain. Agak-agak sakit hati tak? Terasa jugak? Haa. Jagalah hati si makwe. Hargai dia. Si makwe bersusah payah cube untuk setia dengan awak je, si pakwe. Awak pun kenalah tunjuk effort yg awak tu setia. Kalau si pakwe puji2 perempuan lain, si makwe akan terfikir yg si pakwe ni tertarik dekat perempuan cantik je. Si makwe akan rasa diri dia terancam. Dia akan terfikir "Dia kata aku cantik jugak. Mana satu yg paling cantik sebenarnya. Dia suka dekat perempuan tu ke. Aku tau la, aku tak secantik dia, hm." Si makwe still akan fikir macam tu walaupun di a tau yg si pakwe tu akan setia dengan si makwe je. Tu pun kalau si pakwe tu betul2 setia. *muntah*

And lagi satu, ada pulak la status tulis pasal rindurindu. Ha ni extreme. Dekat si makwe, takde pulak dia cakap camtu kat status. Something like, "hai dear, miss you badly :/" Tapi dekat perempuan lain, ada pulak! Terbalik kan? Kenapa pulak dekat si perempuan tu, awak nak post status "eh rindu laaa kat you". HMMM MENYIRAP LAGI DARAH SI MAKWE. Nampak sangat la ... (anda sambung ayat apa nak cakap). Taknak ler cenggitu ye. Si makwe punyalah berusaha habis untuk setia dengan awak. Tapi awak buat camtu pulak. Kang kalau si makwe tu menangis sebab awak, awak bukannya tahu pun. And awak takkan tahu rasanya. Well, perempuan pandai simpan kesedihan dorang.  Hehe. Kadang2 tengah marah and geram gila dekat si pakwe pun, si makwe still boleh control and senyum je. Dalam hati siapa yg tahu.

Ada sesetengah perempuan, muladia buat tak nampak je apa yg si pakwe tu buat (means; buat benda yg macam perkara di atas tu or lagi teruk). Sebab si perempuan rasa, si lelaki patut diberi peluang untuk berubah or chance sampai bila dia berperangai camtu. Tapi dah lama2, bila dia dah tak boleh sabar lagi .. tau lah korang.

Lelaki-lelaki, bila awak dah ada makwe - jaga dia macam jaga diri awak. Apa niat awak untuk jadikan si dia tu makwe awak? Have fun? Dosa lah awak dapat. Untuk jadikan isteri? InshaAllah kalau niat awak tu betul2 and serious, pergi je jumpa parents si makwe. Jangan tunggu lama2 lah. Tak elok pun berpakwe makwe lama2. Pi merisik ke. Pi meminang ke. Umur tu tak penting. Cinta tak kenal umur. Kalau awak kata, awak suka dekat si perempuan tu. And si perempuan tu kata, "jom jumpa mak ayah saya". Maknanya, dia memang nak awak lah (kot). Si perempuan nak tengok keberanian dan ke-serious-an awak. Kalau dah suka, apa lagi tunggu. Kenapa cakap dekat si perempuan, go meet her parents la dude. That's important. Itu kan lebih berkat bila mak dan ayah dah restu. Restu apa? Restu perhubungan korang? Emm, tu susah nak cakap. Banyak pendapat. Ada kata, couple itu haram. Ada kata, couple itu tak haram. Dan apa yang membuatkannya haram adalah apa yg dilakukan ketika couple tu. Means, kalau korang buat perkara yg salah disisi agama, jadi haram lah. Bila fikir balik, memang ye pun.

*Saya pun tak perfect nak cakap banyak pasal agama. Tapi saya cuba untuk bagi pendapat apa yg saya tahu.*

But as for me, aku tak suka kalau ada orang mintak couple. Kenapa perlu mintak couple bila dah suka. Kenapa tak cakap "saya nak jumpa mak ayah awak boleh?" See the differences? Si perempuan akan rasa lebih dihargai bila si lelaki cakap camtu, it shows si lelaki memang serious suke si perempuan tu. Haaa, tu lah baru jantan! Brother Aiman Azlan ada berkata (

We need more MEN, less boys. We need more WOMEN, less girls.

Fahami maksud ayat tu. Dunia perlukan lelaki sebenar yg berani dan bukan laki keparat (tak boleh pakai). Dunia perlukan perempuan sebenar dan bukan minah keparat. Men are supposed to act mature. See this, a nineteen-year-old girl who've been proposed by someone whom she doesn't know. 

Ada yg dah tengok video ni? Hehe. Sweet kan? They're supposed to be the role model of teenagers. Jom ramai2 contohi dorang. Harap dengan entri ni, korang boleh faham sikit kenapa ramai si makwe menangis, kenapa si perempuan tak terima untuk bercouple, kenapa perlu jumpa parents si dia, dan tau apa yg perasaan perempuan semasa korang buat perangai 'gile' tu. Harap bermanfaat, ok.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sabar menunggu.

‎"... Ya Allah, tutupkan perasaan aku terhadap dia yang tidak menghargai dengan sedaya usahaku sekalipun. Dan titipkan dan bukakanlah perasaan aku terhadap dia yang tidak pernah jemu menunggu walaupun sedaya usaha aku menolaknya ..." Amin ya rabbal alamin.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hai lelaki.

Wanita itu bukan TISU untuk mu, dah sedap lap hingus kemudian buang.
Wanita itu bukan BAJU untuk mu, setiap minggu nak tukar yang baru.
Wanita itu bukan PATUNG untuk mu, dah 'couple' kemudian buat bodoh je.
Wanita itu bukan KELAB PELACUR untuk mu, dah puas main blah.
Wanita itu bukan ROKOK untuk mu, dah hisap kemudian habis pijak.
Wanita itu bukan TV untuk mu, hanya sekadar untuk hiburkan hatimu.

So please, if you love someone, don't ever take them for granted. 

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Your friends will help you through it.

 Seems like you're facing a major problem until you don't even talk to me. How long are you going to be like this? I'm waiting to hear your stories. I wish I would just give up. But I don't want, I'll wait. I'm trying to calm myself and think positive. I don't know what is up with you and that makes me really worry. So I'll be waiting until you tell me all you problems and the things you've been through. Hoping that I can help you out and you'll be happy again. 

You're not a bad person that ruined other's life. I know you're a good person. But if that case is happening to you rite now, you should not think that you're a trouble maker. You got to be strong dear. We have all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the power we choose to act on. That's who we really are. And I know, some people might be mistaken of your actions. If you're wrong, just accept the fact and apologise. But if you're not, be brave and strong to convince them that you're not wrong. Please.

You may not get through it yourself, but your friends will help you through it. I pray to Allah that you'll be fine and happy like you used to. 
When you're scared to look back and you scared to look ahead, you can look beside you and your bestfriend will be there for you. Your friends will lend their ears for you to hear your problems AND your friends will lend their shoulder for you to cry.

Yours sincerely,

Monday, December 05, 2011

Please don't give up, please be strong.

They said, "How can you expect a man to be brave when he meets with nothing in life but misfortune?"

Well, maybe you're just being misfortunate only for that moment. Good things take time. We've got to be patient. And little by little, we WILL go far and we WILL get it. If we don't get yet, means The Almighty will give you in akhirat nanti. Jangan salah sangka pada Dia. Jangan lah sampai terdetik hati untuk berhentikan sendiri tugasan kita di dunia ni. Siapa kita untuk memutuskan nyawa sendiri? Jangan ambil tugas tuhan. Dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. Mungkin sekarang ditimpa musibah, kesedihan. Dan mungkin esok lusa pula kita di'timpa' kegembiraan dan peroleh kekuatan? Kuatkan semangat untuk hidup. Kuatkan lah semangat untuk teruskan perjuangan, capai lah cita-cita dengan penuh sabar dan berani. 

Aku sendiri kadang-kadang rasa nak mengalah. Tapi ibu & abah aku kata, perlu ke kita mengalah kalau kita sendiri belum usaha secukupnya lagi? Perlu ke kita mengalah kalau kita masih ada daya dan tenaga walau sedikit pun untuk terus cuba? Perlu ke kita mengalah kalau kita masih ada Tuhan kita yang akan selalu tolong kita? Salah Dia ke kalau kita tak berjaya? Salah Dia ke kalau kita tak dapat sesuatu yang kita nak? Cermin diri sendiri. Muhasabah diri sendiri. Apa yang salah pada kita. Manusia memang ada kekurangan. Tapi jangan biarkan kelemahan tu menguasai diri dan membuatkan kita bertambah lemah. 

Allah tak akan bagi ujian pada kita kalau kita tak mampu menghadapinya. Cara-cara Allah untuk menunjukkan kasih sayangNya pada kita, adalah dengan cara memberi ujian pada kita. Dia tahu yang kita mampu untuk menghadapinya. Bersyukur lah sebab Allah masih ingatkan kita. Itu tandanya Dia nak kita lebih dekatkan diri pada Dia. Pada waktu senang ataupun SUSAH.

So kawan-kawan, please be brave and strong.
Day by day, the pain in your heart will goes away and you'll feel relieve.
And  you realize. You'll say "Everything's gonna be fine and I WILL be okay."

P/s: Doa, Usaha, Tawakkal. Tu yang penting.

Yes, tetiba over deep feeling. Well that's how I feel now. I felt sympathy for a friends of mine. He's like a lonely guy and seems he don't want to share his problem with me or anyone, maybe. And he makes me exteremely worry. Hmm, I will always be there for you ;/ Please don't be like this...

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Don't get us wrong, man.

The things that some men won't understand is even though a woman forgive someone because of their wrongdoing, usually a woman will remember that as a lesson. And not holding a GRUDGE. Don't get us wrong.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Goodbye SPM 2011, means hello to the new world

Once the examination has ended at 3:30pm, Wednesday, 30 November 2011, we all (no, some of us)  screamed out loud --- feeling sooo much relieved. Pheww. Yes, I admit. I screamed too. But not too loud. Teehee. 

 Biology was the last paper. Okay, i managed to do that paper tapi ada jugak buat jawapan yang  tak berkualiti. Ergh. Tibe-tibe boleh lupe 'funtionc of kidneys'. Duhh, bende senang tu. Okay, hantam. Zrettt. hilang 3 markah. And and paper 3, so so la. All we got to do now is tawakkal. Keputusan tu kita serah je pada Dia. 'Cause we can't control that thing. The thing we can control is our efforts.. And He will give us a gift equal to our effort lah. But when we didn't get what we want, it's not that Allah is hating you. It's just that Allah wants to show us that we have to work harder, be grateful and appreciate for what we have. 

Dear school uniform. I've had been used you for 11 years long. You were the one that always with me in school. When you get dirty, I'll be mad and tried to remove that dirty from you. I used all kinds of detergents and soap just to make you clean as much as possible. Dettol, T.O.P, Fab, Boom, Softlan. <---- I sacrificed my mom's money for you. I'll be missing you. I'll keep you in my closet 'til my last breath. (Wahhhh gituu, overnye).

Dear exercise books. Especially Biology, Physic and and Chemistry. For sure, I'll be missing all of you too. You were all have made me feel in love to be a doctor. Chemistry, eventhough I might get heartache and headache just because to understand you, I still love you. Still remember the ECS. Still remember where's the negative terminal and positive located in Chemical cell and Voltaic cell. I realised that you're important. Biology, I'll be meeting you soon. Physic, I've learned the basic of elecricity, forces and motion. I love electromagnetism. And yes, sill remember the Lenz's Law.


*seeee, I still remember the ECS.

And most of all, to my dearest teachers.
Cikgu Rozita, our class teacher. Terima kasih cikgu, sanggup mengajar kami yang degil sangat-sangat tambah dengan perangai nakal budak-budak laki kelas kami. Memang menyusahkan cikgu kan. Cikgu ajar kami macam mana nak buat ayat gramatis. Ajar kami macam mana nak buat karangan panjang-panjang menjela. Huishh, memang susah bagi saya untuk mengarang lebih 600 patah perkataan.  Terima kasih cikgu! <3

Cikgu Azian, our beloved biology teacher. She's the best. She has taught us about real life and her interest in biology. She's the one who makes me really want to be a biologist. Cikgu, nanti saya datang rumah cikgu ye. Kita borak-borak pasal biology. Kenapalah cikgu tak ajar dekat sekolah kitorang awal-awal lagi, dari kitorang form 4. Mesti lagi best and bertambah senang faham kalau cikgu ajar dari awal. And now, she's pursuing her study in master, biology course.

And last but not least. SMK Puteri, Seremban. Girls school. I was not being super happy studying there. But yes, I still remember you. The place that teached me on how to be a nerd student. Hahaha. Still remember I played with my friends at the hockey turf. And we all get soaked up. 

SMK Puncak Alam. 3 years here since 2009-2011. My friends here has taught me --- how to be friendly with others. They taught me on how to adapt with this new environment. Girls and boys in one school. Soooo lepas ni, AKU MESTI RINDU KORANG SEMUA ;'(

Baju sekolah, buku-buku teks, buku-buku latihan, cikgu-cikgu, kawan-kawan, bangunan sekolah. Unforgetable.

So, I am the one of SPM 2011 leavers. Hello to the new world out there. Please be good to me.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Guy: Imma shed a tear and cry!

When he faced with really big problems, feeling really low or feel like he can't depend on anyone, he do break down. Times have changed dude ;) !!

REAL MEN do cry and are not ashamed.

Shed A Tear.

Here it comes
Can't you see
That we're tough guys and we have feelings.
Take my hand
Close your eyes
With you right here
Imma shed a tear and cry
Don't be afraid to cry cry
You can still be a manly guy guy
Just cry.
Don't be afraid to cry cry
Let it free fall from your eyes eyes

Wake up see a sunrise
Let it free fall from your eyes.
Start my day and I read a sonnet
Got got a soft cheek with a tear on it.
Step out and the skies are clear
I'm a man and I have no fear.
Take a step and I land in crap.
I let it out, no holding back.

Here it comes
Can't you see
That we're tough guys and we have feelings.
Take my hand
Close your eyes
With you right here
Imma shed a tear and cry
Don't be afraid to cry cry
You can still be a manly guy guy
Just cry.
Don't be afraid to cry cry
Let it free fall from your eyes eyes

Baby we can go out on a first date.
But you come and pick me up half an hour late.
Girl I'm not gonna lie, that you almost made me cry,
But I'm a masculine man ill be ok.
Yeah, your place, toy story 3
the greatest all time kid's movie.
But I forgot, Andy leaves Woody,
And now the tears are coming right back over me.

Here it comes
Can't you see
That we're tough guys and we have feelings.
Take my hand
Close your eyes
With you right here
Imma shed a tear and cry
Don't be afraid to cry cry
You can still be a manly guy guy
Just cry.
Don't be afraid to cry cry
Let it free fall from your eyes eyes

When I was a little girl, my dad used to tell my brother, boys don't cry. But when women cry, no one says nothing. There felt more sorry for. But now, when I grow older. Man who are crying ----  it's nothing wrong with it.

I thought it wouldn't be easy to see a guy cry for change and any girl would be lucky to have him. It's not easy to find and see a guy cry just because of one particular thing. Kannn? Betul tak? Tapi takde lah pulak saya cakap laki yang menangis sampai teresak-esak. Apekehalnye pulak tu -____-  <----- bahasa apa aku pakai tu. If a guy cry I think it's sweet cuz they can show how they feel. Awwww x) <--- arghh sudah sudah. So let's cry! Hahahaha.

Take note:
Girls like it when guys are tough can take charge when needed to, but we also like it when you can show some true emotions ;)

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Nak jadi doktor psycho boleh?

Sometimes I'm scared of everything. Scared of what i saw. And currently now, I'm scared of how many A's I will get for my third major exam. Scared that I may not be able to adapt myself to any new environment. Scared of falling in love again. Scared that I'll be losing my bestfriends. Scared that I'll be losing my parents. Scared that I'll be turn into a bad person. Most of all, scared of what is happening in this world. Killing people everywhere. It made me feels more interested to be a psychiatrist or Dr. psychology - to cure them til they not being insane and suferring anymore. Though they're cannot be cured. I just feel like I want to try to change the lives of people with mental disoder for the better. We can't simply leave them alone. Because they had a mental problem. Some suggested that those people must heal their own souls through philosophy. So, psychology is extremely important in order to help them. 

Tapi kadang-kadang aku terfikir nak jadi biologist. (eh jangan mengarut boleh takkk). Tapi .... Tengok result, susah nak jadi ahli biologi. Apa-apa pun, 

Hello to the people who have mental disoder :)
InsyaAllah, I'll help you all to live a happy life without disturbance. With proper treatment and support, many people with mental ilness (like schizophrenia) are able to reduce the symptoms, live and work independently, and build a good relationships. No worries. I'll try to help you as much as I could.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Memang berASAP kepala belajar macam ni;

Sekarang sudah tibalah masanya, esok 14 Oktober 2011 ; genap lah sebulan lagi tinggal menjelang peperiksaan terbesar kami (perghhhh ayat dia). So guys, double up our effort. Super extra RAJIN please? Nak cite pasal hangout dekat mane & blablabla, cerita lepas SPM nanti. Masing-masing dah gerun, kalau boleh dalam tandas pun nak bawak buku - baca. Eewwww --" HAHA. Result trial pun sangat lah tak gempak.  Jadii, jom belajar. 9A+ eh korang.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Silent tears.

He'll be backkkk! Yahooooo! :D  30/7/2011. I've been waiting for quite a long time I guess. Haha. I thought I would be the happiest girl ever in the entire world once you get home.

Not at all. In fact, I received a bad new.  No wonder I felt not in the mood in the previous days. No wonder. It was really bizzare when you treat me like a 'wall'. Yes. ke .. patung. Kan kan. Nak taknak je layan. Obviously. For two months and fiifteen days I've waited, and this is the 'BESTEST GIFT' that I got from you. Worthless. I didn't get anything in return. I have been replaced by someone else. The one who can make you happier than I did. The one who can treat you the best than me. The one who can spend all day and night to call and texting you. The one who can encourage you wayyy better than me. The one who can take care of you the BEST. Riteeee? :)

When you said that; blablablabla...

I was literally speechless and ofcourse devastated.

But, heyy, apa aku boleh buat? I have no power to change your feelings towards anyone. Farewell my friend. Do NOT let that girl down like you did to me. You have to cheer her up whenever she's not in the mood. Promise me that you'll be a better guy than yesterday ok. Just ignore about me. I can solve my heart's problem on my own.

And again, I couldn't get a chance to meet the guy that I like.


Saturday, June 04, 2011

Ya, saya sunyi.

You wouldn't believe how am I these days. I wake up in the morning and feel like I'm missing something. I know that there's something not right it takes me a while to remember what it is ... Then I remember. 

I lost my better half for a while. My life would not be special as before. But still I have to be happy with life. 

What seem hard now won't even be an issue in a few months. We'll get use to it, <3

Monday, May 16, 2011


Please don’t be worry. There’s nothing to be worried. You’ll be having fun there. You can hold M16! That’s an awesome experience. Doing flying fox. And the most of all, KAWAD KAKI. Heee :D  Saya tau awak kaki kayu. Taktau kawad. HAHA.  2 months 16 days. That’s quite a long time. I’ll wait. I’ll study smart, ofcourse. I’ll be hold onto your words and your advises.

I’m sorry for all the things that might be hurt you. I’m sorry if I’m not being the best person for you. Thanks for spending your time with me all the time, texting and calling me. Thanks for you kindness. Thanks for the sweet words you’ve said to me. I’m really appreciate it. I’ll remember everything. Thanks for all the sweet memories.

Babe, whether you noticed or not, we didn’t say goodbye for our last day :)  It’s just that we didn’t want to end up in a sad mode, kan? Have fun. Take care of yourself. Don’t forget to ‘HELLO HELLO’ me when you get back to your home ok. Tata ‘aaron ramsey’ (not a real name).

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Alahaii busynye aku, gaahhh :p

Haaa kann. Busy hari ni. Pagipagi lagi dah pegi rumah intan. Pastu malam, dian pulak. Party party party! TAK TAKK, BUKAN PARTY LIAR. Jangan kalut sangat. Birthday party ok :) A'ah, dah nak spm ni dorang nak sambut. Biasa lah. Nanti lepas spm, semua busy dengan lesen kereta/motor, kerja lah .. ape semua. Sekarang ni tengah buat macam rumah sendiri. HAHAHA. Kantoiii x) Intan, aku pinjam gune kau punye broadband kejap eh. Heee.

Tidak ketinggalan lah, alwani dah selesa dengan habitat kegemaran dia. Oh, nak tau? Habitat dia = katil. Tapi bukan katil dia, Intan's. Lena you tidur eh. "psstt korangg, dia tengah tidur sekarang. dari tadi aku senyap je tak buat bising. ni kalau dia dah bangun, baru meriah haha"

Bila aku diam ...

Tengah tunggu tuan rumah niii, tak balik balik lagi. Beli kek lama betul. Haihh. (hek elehh, marah pulak apehal. haha). Ok lah, dah dah. Cukup la wehh. Cukup cukup! 

Tema birthday party intan, white and blue. Yahoo. Tak sabar dah.

6 APRIL 1994
5 APRIL 1994

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Prove it

I'll try to be straight but nice.

Is that normal if a guy tell all girls he met "heyy, you look sooo pretty :)". Is that normal?
Is that normal if a guy talk with all girls he met in such a really nice wayyy better than any other? 
Is that normal if a guy tell all girls he met that he really care about them?
Then, who am I?
Am I just like typical all girls you met? Am I?
If it is, please stay away from me. I feel awkward.
Did you sincere enough when you tell me that I'm kind?
Did you sincere enough when you tell me that you love me?
Are you brave enough to prove that you're the one for me?
Are you brave enough to say that you would take care of me even when you're sick like hell?
Do you?
And .. did you treat me like other girls?
If yes, please don't be too kind with me. 
I feel awkward. I'm afraid.
You know what, I'll not treat you the best if you're not close and special to me.
Now, just lemme know that you're sincere. It's wayyy better if you prove it. Rite?
And pleaseee, don't lie to me. Once you did, it's hard for me to trust you again.
Sarang haeyo, Aishiteru. Yes, But sometimes, you make me really mad sometimes.
You've said sorry many times. And it made me feel a lil bit better.
I'm really sorry for being too emotional about this. Sorry :/
So now, let's have some peace and HAHAHAHA.
Apologise accepted, okay. No 'tears', no angry madly deeply (duuhhh? -.-").
Just remember this
you'll not lose me; cuz I'm not leaving.
you'll not lose me; cuz I won't go anywhere.


Well, I'm just a human being. An ordinary girl hoping to be better each day for the rest of her life. 

Hope is not a dream but a way of making dreams become reality (?).

Yours sincerely,

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Bile cuti, hari-hari nak post

HAAAII semua. Erk. Ya, hai.

(i'm talking to myself)

School starts tomorrow, as usual lah kan.
And that means ;



MORE   H O M E W O R K *for sure

and the best thing: MORE STRESS !!

Tomorrow I'm going to lend my ears for 2 hours to listen AND learn mathematic. As usual, every monday. Hah? Yess, 2 hours. I'm going to die (bangbangBOODUSHHH) . TAK SANGGUP. So, what else I can do? 

Best kan? Air liur 'ketepek' dalam buku.

But I'm not that bad as the guy in that pic. I'll do this at least;

Haa, lentok-lentok kepala kiri kanan je.

Macam tu lah saya selalu buat. Cikgu memang tak perasan. Sebab duduk belakang, benefits :) Tapi kawan saya ni, lagi best. Tidur 5minit je, pastu segar balik macam baru lepas minum ali cafe. 

A:  Ngantok lah bella =..=
B:  Aku punn, hwaahhh (menguap)
A:  Kejap eh, kasi aku 5minit aku nak tido kejap. Kejaaap je
B:  Oww :?  Kk.

Lepas 3-4minit, dia dah terlepas 2 topik drpd 1 chapter.

A:  Woahh, aku dah tak ngantuk dah weh! Segar dow :D
B:  Yeke? Aku ngantuk lagi lah.

Dia mula bukak cerita.

A:  Kau tau tak... blablablabla potpetpotpet nyotneytnyonyet tuttt haa :)
B:  Terus tak ngantuk kau tau, bile kau sebut nama dia. Aura dia .. bukan main. Huh ;D

Dah lah, bosan kan? Cerita ape ni. Rubbish -.-" (ceh, kutuk sendiri)

Nah. Penat cari teddy bear, baru jumpa ni. Make peace with LOVE :) XOXO.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Oo berlagak gune iphone ehh

"Kite ada iphone :p"

" :O  serious?! "

"Ye, serious. Hee."

"Nak pinjam, nak pinjam! :D"

"Boleh je demi awak, saya bagi hahaha"

(Kalau macam tu .. awak bagi saya terus eh, jangan harap saya nak pulangkan. Hehe)

Haaa kann. Kadang-kadang teringin nak phone ni tau;-

Nokia C5

Nokia X3 Touch and Type
(the semat [smart] one, u know)

Oh ohh, I want some more!

Oh, oh
I want some more
Oh, oh
What are you waitin' for?
Take a bite of my heart tonight
Oh oh
I want some more
Oh oh
What are you waitin' for?
What are you waitin' for?
Say goodbye to my heart tonight

Let's start with bismillah ..
I'm smiling and laughing always now. So, I think it's lovely. Because I realized I'm not alone. I have friends that willing to lend their ears; hear my story even it is not interesting at all and kinda boring to share. I have friends that willing to lend their shoulders when I'm sad, when I'm getting emotional. Thanks to Allah because I have an awesome friend, cool friend, good friend, supportive friend, hilarious friend. Most of all, Super Best Friend. I'm really hope that we'll stay together trough thick and thin. But some says; friend is like wind. It comes and it will go. That's pathetic.

I don't think that friends are like that. It will remain as friend if we make some effort . We still can share opinion or stories in our social networking. Everyone got one account of social network like; Facebook. At least ONE. So why not we use that to keep in touch with our old pals. It's easier when we have internet. Plus, anytime you can share with them. I'm still in contact with my old friends in Seremban. And Im missing them so damnn much. Enough about friends.

I wanna live without sadness. Without getting wet from tears. Without being at a loss. Being lunatic, clumsy, always put on a smile. Tadaaa :)  Say "no thank you" to  bitterness and sorrow. Say "yes" to happiness and laughter. I do have feelings. But I'll always try to hide it, smiling and laughing like an idiot person just to forget the past. 

There's a face I want to see, and a voice I want to hear even when I close my eyes. Hahaha. When that someone 'calls out' my name, a new world begins to turn. Wheee x)  ( jangan over sangat, nanti aku jugak yg merana) . Idk. Since that 'someone' met me, he made a bit changes in my life. Day by day. That someone lights me up. With his jokes, crazy habit, haaahh. What else I can say? I'm happy to know him. Syukur syukur, alhamdulillah. And, I guess; every single drop of my (and your) flowing tears makes us closer again today though we just knew each other tak sampai sebulan. It feels like .. aku dah kenal kau setahun (!) Haaa. Tu lah, saya pun tak tahu. Hahaha. I hope you'll be doing well there, for 3 months kat sane kan? Tak payah nak rindurindu sangat lah :'(  Thank you so much ----- , because you fired me up dengan katakata semangat awak :P I mean it, ok. I need a guy that can always give me advise and supports me all the time. Also, cheer me up when I’m sad. And much more (tak perlu lah nak bagitahu semua dekat sini). Wow, tak pernah tulis serious cenggini. Pheww *keluar peluh time tengah taip pasal ni*

I don’t want to expect anything. Let us just go with the flow, ok? We can only plan, Allah decides everything. We’ll be getting close ;)  Somehow, I've started to trust you. You know what I mean, I’m afraid to believe in man’s words. Full of lies -.-“  So pls gimme some time to trust you more, more and more. I just need time to adapt myself with man, again. I have to be careful. You’ve a kind-heart. No doubt. My friend says “It’s okay to like him. He’s just kind, and it doesn’t mean that he’s a playboy, babe”.  Seee? HAHA :)