CALLER : Hello, may I speak to Annie Wan?
OPERATOR : What do you mean anyone? You are now talking
to someone.
CALLER : No, I am Sam Wan & I need to talk to annie wan. to someone.
It's urgent.
OPERATOR : Ok, I know you are someone & you want to talk to
anyone. But what is urgent matter about?
CALLER : Please, just tell Anni Wan that our brother,
Noe Wan was involved in an excident, & he is in
the hospital. Rite now, Avery Wan is rushing there to
see him.
OPERATOR : Hey, boy. Trying to be funny, is it? Look, I have no Noe Wan was involved in an excident, & he is in
the hospital. Rite now, Avery Wan is rushing there to
see him.
time to hear your story.
CALLER : You are so rude! What is your name?
OPERATOR : I am Saw Ree.CALLER : Yes, you should be sorry. Now tell me your name!
Hahaha. Got it?